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Three White Sage Bundles

Three White Sage Bundles

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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One bundle of delightful White Sage from the Desert Southwest, perfect for your home cleansing needs.

Burning white sage is a powerful ritual, today people burn sage and other holy herbs to cleanse a space or environment of negative energy, to generate wisdom and clarity, and to promote healing.

How to sage your home 101

    1. Light one end of the wand. Carefully allow the flame to go out so that the tips of the dried leaves are smoldering slowly and let the smoke billow up. You can blow on the end to release more smoke and fan the smolder but keep your face far away (at least two feet), because it’s typical for little sparks of ash to break off, and you don’t want them flying in your face.

    1. Start to waft around your space and through your different rooms with your intention in mind. Starting in one corner and “pushing” energy toward the door can be a good way to release bad vibes. Pay special attention to wafting in corners and near mirrors, as well as high-traffic areas like hallways and doorways. Also, pay extra attention to windows.

  1. You can get expressive here with your waving, but always remain conscious of the fact that you’re holding a burning object. Also, keep an eye out for those fallen ashes and put them out immediately. Use an abalone shell or other fireproof dish to catch those ashes as you go.
    Three bundles of sage will be sent to your home today!
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