The Human Body: Crystal and Electromagnetic Beings

The Human Body: Crystal and Electromagnetic Beings

In ancient teachings and modern science alike, the human body is seen as both a crystalline and electromagnetic being. But what does this mean, and how does it impact our everyday lives?

The Crystalline Nature of the Body
Crystals are revered for their ability to hold, transmit, and amplify energy. Interestingly, our own bodies share qualities with these stones. Our bones contain minerals and crystalline structures, while our very cells have liquid crystal properties. At the microscopic level, certain parts of our cells—like the cell membranes—display crystalline qualities, helping them store and transmit bioelectric energy.
Additionally, water, which makes up about 60% of our bodies, holds a unique crystalline structure. It’s in this structure that our cells communicate and maintain homeostasis. This intricate design mirrors the crystalline minerals found in nature, allowing our bodies to resonate with other crystals.
Electromagnetic Energy: The Body’s Subtle Frequencies
Our bodies also emit an electromagnetic field, the heart being one of its strongest sources. This field surrounds and interacts with the world around us, making us deeply connected to the natural energies. Each cell in our body has an electric charge that contributes to this overall electromagnetic field, which can be influenced by outside energies, such as from crystals, grounding with the Earth, or even positive affirmations.
The Body’s Crystals and Electromagnetic Field in Harmony
When we combine the crystalline and electromagnetic qualities of our beings, it becomes clear how energy practices—like using crystals, meditation, and grounding—impact our physical and energetic health. Crystals can amplify specific vibrations, helping to rebalance and harmonize our natural frequencies.
In understanding ourselves as crystalline and electromagnetic beings, we find new ways to connect with Earth’s healing energy. Practices like working with crystals, sound healing, and grounding aren’t just for mystics—they’re tangible ways to balance the energetic system within us all.
  • Nikola Tesla: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."

  • Rudolf Steiner: "The physical world is an illusion. What is true is that each one of us is energy and consciousness."

  • Albert Einstein: "Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality."

  • David Bohm, quantum physicist: "In some sense, man is a microcosm of the universe; therefore, what man is, is a clue to the universe."

  • Pythagoras: “The highest goal of music is to connect one’s soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment.”

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